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While the custard covering of a senior politician by an angry activist inevitably stole the headlines at Friday's Low Carbon Summit, the event also demonstrated once again that Government is keen to show it thinks the business and environmental agendas can work hand in hand.
A group of big-hitting international bodies including the UN and International Energy Agency have unveiled a roadmap outlining how fuel efficiency for cars could be doubled by 2050.
The restoration of a waterway north of London is to have the additional benefit of providing new habitat for burrowing water voles.
While many corporate giants have woken up to the risks climate change poses for their business, many of those further down the supply change are blissfully unaware of how it may harm their trade.
Following EC plans to scrap payments for farmers who left fields uncultivated to avoid over-production Government is looking for views on ways to protect biodiversity on agricultural land.
Utility giant Thames Water is blaming the recession and an expected dip in demand from commercial customers for its decision to scale back plans for a major new reservoir in Oxfordshire.
The final line up of judges for edie's Awards for Environmental Excellence can now be revealed.
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