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The ten warmest years in history have all been recorded since 1990, there were 779 serious water pollution incidents in 2003, and 66% of new homes built since last year were part of brownfield developments.
Intelligent software that will help manufacturers to reduce their CFC emissions is now being developed by a group of British researchers.
Polar bears could become extinct by the end of this century if Arctic governments do not do more to cut carbon emissions, a report on climate change has revealed.
The recent launch of StrathtoxTM at WEFTEC in New Orleans saw huge interest in Strathkelvin's latest innovation in precision respirometry. A large number of global blue chip companies posted very early interest in the new Respirometer, and a number of notable distributors from across the world also showed keen interest in taking on StrathtoxTM, and benefiting from it's unique range of hardware and software features. However the first to seal the distribution rights for the new respirometer was Aquatic Life who occupy a premier position in the Canadian market place for top class wastewater treatment consultancy and products.
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