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An annual $10,000 prize for advancements in the field of membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment has been announced by Zenon Environmental.
In the run-up to the publication of the UK Government's waste management policy, guidelines regarding how best to site waste facilities have been issued.
The UK's largest bird survey has shown that between 1994 and 1998 more bird species increased than decreased, but farmland birds are suffering from the effects of intensive farming practices.
A funding programme aimed at promoting integrated transport solutions has been announced by UK Transport Minister Lord Whitty.
Recommending measures that will reduce the environmental impact of consumer products will be the aim of a new panel announced by UK Environment Minister Michael Meacher.
The UK Government has welcomed a report showing that only 1.3% of food tested for pesticides are above Maximum Residue Limits (MRL), but environmental groups say that the UK doesn't test enough food and that its tests underestimate pesticide levels by as much as 20%.
The European Investment Bank is lending USD 26.5 million (EUR 22.7 million) to Chengdu General des Eaux - Marubeni Waterworks (CGDEM) for a water treatment plant in Chengdu, China.
"I'm trying as hard as I can, Captain," exclaims Scotty, the strain etching lines in his forehead. "I can't give you any more!" But unlike Star Trek's Enterprise, future spacecraft might use a less savoury energy supply than Scotty's beloved dilithium crystals: human waste.
The world's governments are holding informal talks from 15 to 19 September, in Vienna, in an effort to build political momentum for the conclusion of a legally-binding agreement on reducing any potential risks resulting from the transboundary movement of living modified organisms (LMOs).
An international group of business, governmental, and environmental organisations has formed a partnership to develop an international protocol for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from business.
South Africa has launched its largest ever single public water project, which aims to provide a regular water supply for the first time to half a million people living in communities in former 'homelands' areas.
In the third round of talks on a global treaty, held from 6-11 September 1999 in Geneva, negotiators reached agreement on proposals favouring the elimination of 10 intentionally produced persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the mandate for a treaty from the Governing Council of UNEP, but recognised a "public health need for an exemption for DDT.
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