Lewd adventure fans, please rejoice as Toffer Team has released Lewd Idol Project Vol. 3! Kairi’s journey towards becoming an established idol continues with Kanako joining the team. This troublesome gal aims to add some spice to an already incredibly hot series. The first volume of Lewd Idol Project launched back in 2021, and it’s been a great series to follow ever since. This final chapter brings the whole thing to a close. Lewd Idol Project Vol. 3 is out now on both Denpasoft and Steam for $5.59. If you’re hoping to marathon the journey, consider picking up the complete bundle. This writer loves Toffer Team’s ability to craft a intricate story in between the myriad of breathtaking lewd scenes. I hope you check it out, and if you do let us know what you think in the comments.

So what’s this exciting third volume got in store for us?
Kanako is a tough and temperamental rocker girl, leader of a troublesome gang in Akihabara and bassist of her own band. She’s also a little bit tsundere, but… Don’t you dare say that to her face!
Ranko sees in this girl the potential to be the third member of the group of lewd idols. Her attitude, charisma, and popularity among her people makes Kanako the perfect candidate to give the group that touch of aggression that is lacking, in order to gain the attention of a new type of audience attracted to bad girls. But… It is impossible that a girl like her would want to join a group of idols!
However, it seems that Kanako hides more than one secret behind her exterior attitude… Could her opinion on the lewd idol world change a bit after meeting the sweet and innocent Kairi-chan? Will the Lewd Idol Project leader cuteness be able to convince this tsundere girl to show her true feelings?
Find out all this and more, with lots of girl-on-girl action, on LIP! Lewd Idol Project Vol. 3!